Saturday, February 7, 2009

A while ago, my mom brought up the government and how she thinks the coalition will toss Harper the first chance they get and an election will be called. I don't really care anymore, I mean, it's all gone to shit anyway, and people who don't know what they're talking about have made it out to be worse than it is, and ended up making it worse than it is. But what caught my attention was how she said "screw it, I'll just go out and vote for Harper".

She sees a logical choice: she doesn't want the liberals to win, the NDP don't have a chance, and another minority government would only screw itself over again. I see her going out of her way to support the man who stands against everything I stand for. He's anti-gay, and even though he hasn't brought it into the House of Commons since he first brought the issue up, it's still his personal stance and I'm still personally against that. And then there's the fact that "ordinary people don't care about the arts". He spawned God only knows how many message board comments of "he's right, artists should stop whining and get real jobs".

But my mom never really got how much I hate his guts. He's one of the last people I want in charge of the country. It doesn't help that she's just holding a grudge against the liberals for no reason, either. Their main problem was Dion, and he's out of the picture now. She doesn't know anything about their new guy and doesn't care enough to try to find anything out.

It hurts that she just doesn't seem to care.

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